One-Hour Inspection
Our one-hour inspection is the most common service utilized by homeowners. If you are worried about a sick tree or a potentially hazardous branch, this service is for you. It includes 1/2 hour of travel time and an hour on site (time over one hour is billed in 15-minute increments). Typical inspection reasons include Pest and Disease Diagnosis, Tree Risk Assessment, and Sudden Oak Death management. Our native oak trees and redwoods constitute a large percentage of our inspections. We can generate a report recording our observations, conclusions, and recommendations upon request. If the tree is beyond help, this report can be used to satisfy the Arborist Report requirement of many of the local municipalities for tree removal applications. Ideally, the goal of the appointment is to educate you about your tree(s) so that you feel comfortable and confident in making management decisions.
Submit an inquiry on our Contact page to begin scheduling an appointment.